Library LNameless_Meta

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Max.
Require Import Equality.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Variable_Sets.

Require Export DGP_Core.
Require Export Metatheory_Env.

Importing Dgp for the locally nameless approach

Module Export LNameless := Dgp TwoNat Single.

TwoNat stands for the disjoint union of free variables (using inl) and bound variables (using inr).

Single is a unit type and denotes the empty place holder for binding variables which are not written directly in de Bruijn style representation for abstraction.

Note that atom = nat.

1. Generic Definitions

Heterogeneous Substitution

The following definition deals with heterogeneous substitution;
  • r0 is the representation of the variables to be substituted.
  • Var case: only the case r = r0 is interesting.
  • Bind case: Note that, when r1 = REC, r0 is compared with r because REC denotes the representation of the abstraction body r.
  • Note that the argument r0 is the crucial point for the heterogeneous definition.

Substitution for parameters

Fixpoint fsubstRep r r0 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(a:atom)(U:Interpret r0) : InterpretRep r s :=
  match T with
    | Unit => Unit
    | Const _ T0 => Const r T0
    | Repr _ T0 => Repr r (fsubst T0 a U)
    | InL _ _ T0 => InL _ (fsubstRep T0 a U)
    | InR _ _ T0 => InR _ (fsubstRep T0 a U)
    | Pair _ _ T0 T1 => Pair (fsubstRep T0 a U) (fsubstRep T1 a U)
    | Bind r1 _ _ T0 => Bind r1 tt (fsubstRep T0 a U)
    | Rec T0 => Rec (fsubst T0 a U)
with fsubst r r0 (T:Interpret r)(a:atom)(U:Interpret r0) : Interpret r :=
  match T with
    | Var v =>
      match Rep_dec r r0 with
        | left same =>
          match v with
            | inl b => if (AtomDT.eq_dec a b) then conv same U else T
            | inr _ => T
        | right _ => T
    | Term T0 => Term (fsubstRep T0 a U)

Substitution for (bound) variables

Fixpoint bsubstRep r r0 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(m:atom)(U:Interpret r0) : InterpretRep r s :=
  match T with
    | Unit => Unit
    | Const _ T0 => Const r T0
    | Repr _ T0 => Repr r (bsubst T0 m U)
    | InL _ _ T0 => InL _ (bsubstRep T0 m U)
    | InR _ _ T0 => InR _ (bsubstRep T0 m U)
    | Pair _ _ T0 T1 => Pair (bsubstRep T0 m U) (bsubstRep T1 m U)
    | Bind r1 _ _ T0 =>
      match Rep_dec r1 REC with
        | left _ => match Rep_dec r r0 with
                      | left _ => Bind r1 tt (bsubstRep T0 (S m) U)
                      | _ => Bind r1 tt (bsubstRep T0 m U)
        | _ => match Rep_dec r1 r0 with
                      | left _ => Bind r1 tt (bsubstRep T0 (S m) U)
                      | _ => Bind r1 tt (bsubstRep T0 m U)
    | Rec T0 => Rec (bsubst T0 m U)

with bsubst r r0 (T:Interpret r)(m:atom)(U:Interpret r0) : Interpret r :=
  match T with
    | Var v =>
      match Rep_dec r r0 with
        | left same =>
          match v with
            | inl _ => T
            | inr k => if (AtomDT.eq_dec m k) then conv same U else T
        | right _ => T
    | Term T0 => Term (bsubstRep T0 m U)

Heterogeneous sets of parameters

Note that atoms ~ list nat without redundancy. Cf. Coq.FSets.FSetWeakList.Make.slist. So we must work with the basic notations from Metatheory.v, that is, working with nil, app won't work.

destruct_notin, solve_notin tactic from FSetWeakNotin.v is very useful in dealing with atoms.

Note that the argument r0 is the crucial point for the heterogeneous definition.

Fixpoint freevarsRep (r r0 s:Rep)(T:InterpretRep r s): atoms :=
  match T with
    | Unit => {}
    | Const _ _ => {}
    | Repr s0 U => @freevars s0 r0 U
    | InL _ _ U => freevarsRep r0 U
    | InR _ _ U => freevarsRep r0 U
    | Pair _ _ U U0 => (freevarsRep r0 U) `union` (freevarsRep r0 U0)
    | Bind _ _ _ U => freevarsRep r0 U
    | Rec U => freevars r0 U

with freevars (r r0:Rep)(T:Interpret r) : atoms :=
  match T with
    | Var v =>
      match Rep_dec r r0 with
        | left same =>
          match v with
            | inl a => {{ a }}
            | inr _ => {}
        | right _ => {}
    | Term U => freevarsRep r0 U

Heterogenesou well-formedness of a term or a type

Intuitive meaning of well-formedness is "no free occurrence of bound variables".

  • There are several equivalent ways to define well-formedness:
    • Inductive definition of wfT which characterizes the set of well-formed terms;
    • Defining wf and wf_basic directly;
  • wf_basic is a basic, but equivalent version of wf. With wf_basic, some lemmas are easier to prove.
  • Note that the argument r0 is the crucial point for the heterogeneous definition. The well-formedness of a term is defined with respect to r0.
  • Cofinite quantification style is used in the binder case.

wfT corresponds to envT in LNameless_Meta_Env.v, but without using any environments. Notet that for the binding case, cofinite quantification is used.

Inductive wfTRep (r r0:Rep) : forall s, InterpretRep r s -> Prop :=
| wf_Unit : wfTRep r0 Unit
| wf_Const : forall (s0:Rep)(T:Interpret s0),
  wfTRep r0 (Const r T)
| wf_Repr : forall (s0:Rep)(T:Interpret s0),
  @wfT s0 r0 T -> wfTRep r0 (Repr r T)
| wf_InL : forall s0 s1 (T:InterpretRep r s0),
  wfTRep r0 T -> wfTRep r0 (InL s1 T)
| wf_InR : forall s0 s1 (T:InterpretRep r s1),
  wfTRep r0 T -> wfTRep r0 (InR s0 T)
| wf_Pair : forall s0 s1 (T:InterpretRep r s0)(U:InterpretRep r s1),
  wfTRep r0 T -> wfTRep r0 U -> wfTRep r0 (Pair T U)
| wf_Bind_REC_homo : forall s0 (T:InterpretRep r s0) L,
  r = r0 ->
  (forall (a:atom), a `notin` L -> wfTRep r0 (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r0 (inl a)))) ->
  wfTRep r0 (Bind REC tt T)
| wf_Bind_REC_hetero : forall s0 (T:InterpretRep r s0),
  r <> r0 ->
  wfTRep r0 T ->
  wfTRep r0 (Bind REC tt T)
| wf_Bind_homo : forall r1 s0 (T:InterpretRep r s0) L,
  r1 <> REC ->
  r1 = r0 ->
  (forall (a:atom), a `notin` L -> wfTRep r0 (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r0 (inl a)))) ->
  wfTRep r0 (Bind r1 tt T)
| wf_Bind_hetero : forall r1 s0 (T:InterpretRep r s0),
  r1 <> REC ->
  r1 <> r0 ->
  wfTRep r0 T ->
  wfTRep r0 (Bind r1 tt T)
| wf_Rec : forall T, wfT r0 T -> wfTRep r0 (Rec T)

with wfT (r r0:Rep) : Interpret r -> Prop :=
| wf_fvar : forall v, r = r0 -> wfT r0 (Var r (inl v))
| wf_Var : forall v, r <> r0 -> wfT r0 (Var r v)
| wf_Term : forall T, wfTRep r0 T -> wfT r0 (Term T).

wf and wf_basic say directly that there are no free occurrence of a bound variable.

Definition wf r' (r:Rep)(T:Interpret r) :=
  forall (k:atom)(U:Interpret r'), T = bsubst T k U.

Definition wfRep r' (r s:Rep)(T:InterpretRep r s) :=
  forall (k:atom)(U:Interpret r'), T = bsubstRep T k U.

Definition wf_basic r' (r:Rep)(T:Interpret r) :=
  forall (k a:atom), T = bsubst T k (Var r' (inl a)).

Definition wfRep_basic r' (r s:Rep)(T:InterpretRep r s) :=
  forall (k a:atom), T = bsubstRep T k (Var r' (inl a)).

Parameters are well-formed.

Lemma wf_parameter : forall r' r (a:nat), wf r' (Var r (inl a)).
  unfold wf; intros r' r a k U; simpl; case_rep; reflexivity.

Hint Resolve wf_parameter.

2. Generic Properties

About the homomorphism conv

Note that conv is used to overcome Coq's restriction in dealing with dependent types for the definition of substitution for variables.

The fact that conv deals with essentially the same terms/types should reflected in each use of conv.

conv and substitutions

Lemma conv_fsubst : forall r r0 r1 (e e0:r = r0)(T:Interpret r0)(U:Interpret r1) (a:atom),
  fsubst (conv e T) a U = conv e0 (fsubst T a U).
  intros r r0 r1 e; case e.
  intro e0.
  rewrite (Rep_dec_unicity e0 refl).
  unfold conv, eq_rect_r; simpl; intuition.

Lemma conv_bsubst : forall r r0 r1 (e e0:r = r0)(T:Interpret r0)(U:Interpret r1) (m:atom),
  bsubst (conv e T) m U = conv e0 (bsubst T m U).
  intros r r0 r1 e; case e.
  intro e0.
  rewrite (Rep_dec_unicity e0 refl).
  unfold conv, eq_rect_r; simpl; intuition.

conv and sets of free variables (parameters)

Lemma conv_freevars_1 : forall r r0 r1 (e:r = r0) (T:Interpret r0),
  forall (a:atom), a `in` freevars r1 T -> a `in` freevars r1 (conv e T).
  intros r r0 r1 e; case e; auto.

Lemma conv_freevars_2 : forall r r0 r1 (e:r = r0) (T:Interpret r0),
  forall (a:atom), a `in` freevars r1 (conv e T) -> a `in` freevars r1 T.
  intros r r0 r1 e; case e; auto.

Lemma conv_freevars_3 : forall r r0 r1 (e:r = r0) (T:Interpret r0),
  forall (a:atom), a `notin` freevars r1 T -> a `notin` freevars r1 (conv e T).
  do 6 intro; intro H; contra H; eauto using conv_freevars_2.

Lemma conv_freevars_4 : forall r r0 r1 (e:r = r0) (T:Interpret r0),
  forall (a:atom), a `notin` freevars r1 (conv e T) -> a `notin` freevars r1 T.
  do 6 intro; intro H; contra H; eauto using conv_freevars_1.

conv and well-formedness

Lemma conv_wfT : forall r r0 (e:r = r0)(T:Interpret r0) r1,
  wfT r1 T -> wfT r1 (conv e T).
  intros r r0 e; case e.
  unfold conv, eq_rect_r; simpl; tauto.

About Substitution

Substitution and size:
  • Replacing a bound variable by a parameter does not change the size of a term.

Lemma bsubst_sizeRep : forall r r0 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(k a:atom),
  sizeRep T = sizeRep (bsubstRep T k (Var r0 (inl a)))

  with bsubst_size : forall r r0 (T:Interpret r)(k a:atom),
  size T = size (bsubst T k (Var r0 (inl a))).
  induction T as [| | | | | | |]; simpl; intros;
    [reflexivity |
     reflexivity |
     auto 1|
     auto 1|
     auto 1|
     auto 3 with arith|
     repeat case_rep; simpl; auto 2|
     auto 1].

  induction T as [? v|]; simpl; intros;
    [case_rep; destruct v; simpl; auto 1|
     auto 1];
    case_var; simpl; [rewrite <- conv_size; simpl; reflexivity | reflexivity].

Substitution of a parameter for itself is an identity.

Ltac q_destruct :=
  match goal with
    | q : QQ |- _ => destruct q

Lemma fsubstRep_self : forall r r0 s (a:atom) (T:InterpretRep r s),
  T = fsubstRep T a (Var r0 (inl a))

  with fsubst_self : forall r r0 (a:atom) (T:Interpret r),
  T = fsubst T a (Var r0 (inl a)).
  destruct T; simpl; func_equal;
    try q_destruct; eauto 1.
  destruct T as [ v|]; simpl;
    [case_rep; destruct v; try reflexivity|
     func_equal; auto 1];
    case_var; eauto using conv_Var.

Substitution for a parameter which does not occur is an identity function.

Lemma fsubstRep_no_occur : forall (r r0 s:Rep)(T:InterpretRep r s)(a:atom)(U:Interpret r0),
  a `notin` (freevarsRep r0 T) -> T = fsubstRep T a U

  with fsubst_no_occur : forall (r r0:Rep)(T:Interpret r)(a:atom)(U:Interpret r0),
    a `notin` (freevars r0 T) -> T = fsubst T a U.
  destruct T; simpl; intros; func_equal; eauto; try destruct_notin; try destruct q; eauto.
  destruct T; simpl; intros; func_equal; eauto;
  case_eq (Rep_dec r r0); intros; auto.
  destruct v as [b |]; try case_eq (a == b); intros; try reflexivity.
  destruct (Rep_dec r r0); [idtac | contradiction].
  destruct_notin; congruence.

Substitution Lemma

Lemma fsubstitutionRep : forall (r r0 r1 s:Rep)
  (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1)(a b : atom),
  a <> b ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  fsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) b V =
  fsubstRep (fsubstRep T b V) a (fsubst U b V)
  with fsubstitution : forall (r r0 r1:Rep)
    (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1)(a b : atom),
    a <> b ->
    a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
    fsubst (fsubst T a U) b V =
      fsubst (fsubst T b V) a (fsubst U b V).
  destruct T; simpl; intros; func_equal; auto.

  destruct T; simpl; intros.
  destruct (Rep_dec r r0).
  destruct v as [b0 |]; simpl.
  case_var; case_rep; try case_var; simpl; try case_rep; try contradiction;
    try case_var; try contradiction; try case_rep; try contradiction;
      try case_var; try contradiction; try case_rep; try contradiction;
        try absurd_math; intuition; auto using conv_fsubst.

  rewrite conv_indep with (e0:=e0); apply fsubst_no_occur;
    auto using conv_freevars_3.

  case_rep; simpl; case_rep; intuition.
  case_rep; simpl; case_rep; intuition; destruct v; simpl;
    try case_var; intuition; try case_rep; intuition; simpl;
      try case_rep; intuition.
  rewrite conv_indep with (e0:=e); apply fsubst_no_occur;
    auto using conv_freevars_3.
  func_equal; auto.

AtomSetImpl includes basic library for union, etc. Cf. Coq.FSets.FsetWeakList.v

Export AtomSetImpl.

Substitution of a (bound) variable extends the set of parameters.

Lemma freevarsRep_pass_binder : forall r r0 r1 s (T :InterpretRep r s) (U:Interpret r0) (a b:atom),
  a `in` (freevarsRep r1 T) -> a `in` (freevarsRep r1 (bsubstRep T b U))

  with freevars_pass_binder : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r) (U:Interpret r0) (a b:atom),
  a `in` (freevars r1 T) -> a `in` (freevars r1 (bsubst T b U)).
  destruct T; simpl; intros; auto.
  elim (union_1 H); intros; auto using union_2, union_3.
  case_rep; simpl; case_rep; simpl; auto using freevarsRep_pass_binder.

  destruct T; simpl; intros; try case_rep; simpl; auto; try case_rep; intuition;
    destruct v; simpl; try case_rep; intuition; intuition; simpl;
      try case_rep; intuition; inversion H.

Substitution of a variable is equivalent to substitution of that variable by a parameter which will be substituted again.

Lemma bfsubstRep_var_intro : forall r r0 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0) (a:atom),
  a `notin` (freevarsRep r0 T) ->
  forall (k:atom), bsubstRep T k U = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T k (Var r0 (inl a))) a U

  with bfsubst_var_intro : forall r r0 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0) (a:atom),
    a `notin` (freevars r0 T) ->
    forall (k:atom), bsubst T k U = fsubst (bsubst T k (Var r0 (inl a))) a U.
  induction T; simpl; intros; destruct_notin; func_equal; auto.
  repeat case_rep; simpl; func_equal; apply IHT; assumption.

  induction T; simpl; intros; destruct_notin; func_equal; auto.
  case_rep; destruct v; try case_var; simpl; try case_rep; try congruence;
    try case_var; try congruence; try solve_notin.
  rewrite conv_fsubst with (e0:=e); func_equal; simpl.
  case_rep; try case_var; try congruence.
  symmetry; apply conv_id.

Consecutive substitution of the same (bound) variable has no effect.

Lemma bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf : forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0 (k:atom) (V U:Interpret r0),
  wf r0 V ->
  bsubstRep T k V
  = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T k V) k U

  with bsubstitution_var_twice_wf : forall r (T:Interpret r) r0 (k:atom) (V U:Interpret r0),
    wf r0 V ->
    bsubst T k V
    = bsubst (bsubst T k V) k U.
  induction T; simpl; intros; try reflexivity.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitution_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  repeat case_rep; simpl; repeat case_rep; try congruence.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.

  f_equal; apply bsubstitution_var_twice_wf; assumption.

  induction T; simpl; intros.
  repeat case_rep; destruct v; repeat case_var; simpl;
    repeat case_rep; try congruence; simpl;
      repeat case_var; try congruence.
  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e).
  f_equal; apply H.

  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; assumption.

Lemma bsubstitutionRep_var_twice : forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0 k a (U:Interpret r0),
  bsubstRep T k (Var r0 (inl a)) = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T k (Var r0 (inl a))) k U.
  intros; apply bsubstitutionRep_var_twice_wf; auto.

Lemma bsubstitution_var_twice : forall r (T:Interpret r) r0 k a (U:Interpret r0),
  bsubst T k (Var r0 (inl a)) = bsubst (bsubst T k (Var r0 (inl a))) k U.
  intros; apply bsubstitution_var_twice_wf; auto.

Lemma bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf: forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0 k l (U V:Interpret r0),
  k <> l ->
  wf r0 U ->
  wf r0 V ->
  bsubstRep (bsubstRep T k U) l V = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T l V) k U

  with bsubstitution_homo_wf: forall r (T:Interpret r) r0 k l (U V:Interpret r0),
    k <> l ->
    wf r0 U ->
    wf r0 V ->
    bsubst (bsubst T k U) l V = bsubst (bsubst T l V) k U.
  induction T; simpl; intros; try reflexivity.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitution_homo_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; assumption.
  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; assumption.
  repeat case_rep; simpl;
    repeat case_rep; first [absurd_math | try congruence | try contradiction]; func_equal.

  apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; auto with arith.
  apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; assumption.
  apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; auto with arith.
  apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; assumption.

  f_equal; apply bsubstitution_homo_wf; assumption.

  induction T; simpl; intros.

  case_rep; destruct v; simpl; try case_rep; repeat case_var;
    try congruence; simpl;
      repeat case_rep; repeat case_var; try congruence.

  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e0); f_equal; symmetry; apply H0.
  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e0); f_equal; apply H1.

  f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; assumption.

Lemma bsubstitutionRep_homo: forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0 k l a b,
  k <> l ->
  bsubstRep (bsubstRep T k (Var r0 (inl a))) l (Var r0 (inl b))
  = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T l (Var r0 (inl b))) k (Var r0 (inl a)).
  intros; apply bsubstitutionRep_homo_wf; auto.

Lemma bsubstitution_homo: forall r (T:Interpret r) r0 k l a b,
  k <> l ->
  bsubst (bsubst T k (Var r0 (inl a))) l (Var r0 (inl b))
  = bsubst (bsubst T l (Var r0 (inl b))) k (Var r0 (inl a)).
  intros; apply bsubstitution_homo_wf; auto.

Lemma bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf : forall (r r0 r1 s:Rep) (T:InterpretRep r s)(k l: atom) (U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1),
  r0 <> r1 ->
  wf r1 U ->
  wf r0 V ->
  bsubstRep (bsubstRep T k U) l V = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T l V) k U
  with bsubstitution_hetero_wf : forall (r r0 r1:Rep) (T:Interpret r)(k l : atom) (U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1),
  r0 <> r1 ->
  wf r1 U ->
  wf r0 V ->
  bsubst (bsubst T k U) l V = bsubst (bsubst T l V) k U.
  destruct T; simpl; intros;
    [ reflexivity
      | reflexivity
      | f_equal; apply bsubstitution_hetero_wf; assumption
      | f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf; assumption
      | f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf; assumption
      | f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf; assumption
      | repeat (case_rep; simpl); try congruence; f_equal;
        apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf; assumption
      | f_equal; apply bsubstitution_hetero_wf; assumption ].

  destruct T; simpl; intros;
    [ repeat (repeat case_rep; try destruct v; simpl; repeat case_var; try congruence);
      erewrite conv_bsubst; f_equal*
      | f_equal; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf; assumption ].

Lemma bsubstitutionRep_hetero : forall (r r0 r1 s:Rep) (T:InterpretRep r s)(k l a b : atom),
  r0 <> r1 ->
  bsubstRep (bsubstRep T k (Var r0 (inl a))) l (Var r1 (inl b)) =
  bsubstRep (bsubstRep T l (Var r1 (inl b))) k (Var r0 (inl a)).
  intros; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero_wf; auto.

Lemma bsubstitution_hetero : forall (r r0 r1:Rep) (T:Interpret r)(k l a b : atom),
  r0 <> r1 ->
  bsubst (bsubst T k (Var r0 (inl a))) l (Var r1 (inl b)) =
  bsubst (bsubst T l (Var r1 (inl b))) k (Var r0 (inl a)).
  intros; apply bsubstitution_hetero_wf; auto.

Well-formedness and substitution

Equivalence of wf and wf_basic

Lemma wf_from_wf_basic : forall r' (r:Rep)(T:Interpret r),
  wf_basic r' T -> wf r' T.
  unfold wf, wf_basic; intros.
  pick fresh a for (freevars r' T); destruct_notin.
  rewrite bfsubst_var_intro with (a:=a);
    [rewrite <- H; auto using fsubst_no_occur | assumption].

Preparing lemmas

Lemma bsubstRep_homo_core : forall r r0 s (T:InterpretRep r s) (U V:Interpret r0) k j,
  k <> j ->
  bsubstRep T j V = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T j V) k U ->
  T = bsubstRep T k U

  with bsubst_homo_core : forall r r0 (T :Interpret r) (U V:Interpret r0) k j,
    k <> j ->
    bsubst T j V = bsubst (bsubst T j V) k U ->
    T = bsubst T k U.
  destruct T; simpl; intros U V k j H H0;
    [ reflexivity
      | reflexivity
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubst_homo_core; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_homo_core; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_homo_core; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_homo_core; eassumption
      | q_destruct; repeat (repeat case_rep; simpl in *; try congruence);
        dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_homo_core;
          try eassumption; auto with arith
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubst_homo_core; eassumption ].
  destruct T; simpl; intros U V k j H H0;
    [ repeat
      (repeat case_rep; try destruct v; repeat case_var; simpl in *; try congruence);
      erewrite conv_indep; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; func_equal; eapply bsubstRep_homo_core; eassumption ].

Lemma bsubstRep_hetero_core : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) k j,
  r0 <> r1 ->
  bsubstRep T j V = bsubstRep (bsubstRep T j V) k U ->
  T = bsubstRep T k U

  with bsubst_hetero_core : forall r r0 r1 (T :Interpret r) (U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) k j,
    r0 <> r1 ->
    bsubst T j V = bsubst (bsubst T j V) k U ->
    T = bsubst T k U.
  destruct T; simpl; intros U V k j H H0;
    [ reflexivity
      | reflexivity
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubst_hetero_core; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_hetero_core; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_hetero_core; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_hetero_core; eassumption
      | q_destruct; repeat (repeat case_rep; simpl in *; try congruence);
        dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubstRep_hetero_core;
          try eassumption; auto with arith
      | dependent destruction H0; f_equal; eapply bsubst_hetero_core; eassumption ].

  destruct T; simpl; intros U V k j H H0;
    [ repeat
      (repeat case_rep; try destruct v; repeat case_var; simpl in *; try congruence);
      erewrite conv_indep; eassumption
      | dependent destruction H0; func_equal; eapply bsubstRep_hetero_core; eassumption ].

Well-formed terms contains no free occurring bound varibles.

Lemma wfTRep_wfRep : forall r r0 s (T:InterpretRep r s),
  wfTRep r0 T ->
  forall k (U:Interpret r0), T = bsubstRep T k U

  with wfT_wf : forall r r0 (T:Interpret r),
    wfT r0 T ->
    forall k (U:Interpret r0), T = bsubst T k U.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; try do 2 case_rep; intuition; func_equal; auto.
  case_rep; intuition; func_equal.
  pick fresh y for L.
  eapply bsubstRep_homo_core with (j:=0).
  eapply H1; eauto.
  case_rep; intuition; func_equal; auto.
  pick fresh y for L.
  eapply bsubstRep_homo_core with (j:=0).
  eapply H2; eauto.

  induction 1; intros.
  simpl; destruct (Rep_dec r r0); reflexivity.
  simpl; destruct (Rep_dec r r0); [contradiction | reflexivity].

  simpl; f_equal; apply wfTRep_wfRep; auto.

Permutation of substitutions

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_core : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wfT r1 U ->
  forall k, bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) k (fsubst V a U) = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T k V) a U

  with bfsubst_permutation_core : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
    wfT r1 U ->
    forall k, bsubst (fsubst T a U) k (fsubst V a U) = fsubst (bsubst T k V) a U.
  destruct T; simpl; intros U V a H k; try do 2 case_rep;
    intuition; simpl; func_equal; auto.

  destruct T; simpl; intros U V a H k; try case_rep; simpl; func_equal; eauto;
  try case_rep; destruct v; try case_var; simpl; try case_rep; intuition;
    try case_var; intuition; try case_rep; intuition.
  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e1); func_equal;
    symmetry; apply wfT_wf; auto.

  rewrite conv_fsubst with (e0:=e1); auto.

  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e0); f_equal;
    symmetry; apply wfT_wf; auto.

  rewrite conv_fsubst with (e0:=e); auto.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_core_wf : forall r r0 r1 s
  (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wf r1 U ->
  forall k, bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) k (fsubst V a U) = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T k V) a U

  with bfsubst_permutation_core_wf : forall r r0 r1
    (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
    wf r1 U ->
    forall k, bsubst (fsubst T a U) k (fsubst V a U) = fsubst (bsubst T k V) a U.
  destruct T; simpl; intros U V a Hwf k; func_equal; auto.
  do 2 case_rep; simpl; func_equal; auto.

  unfold wf_basic; destruct T; simpl; intros U V a Hwf k; func_equal; auto.
  repeat case_rep; try destruct v; try case_var; try congruence; simpl;
    repeat case_rep; repeat case_var; try congruence.
  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e1); func_equal; symmetry; auto.
  rewrite conv_fsubst with (e0:=e1); func_equal; symmetry; auto.
  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e0); func_equal; symmetry; auto.
  rewrite conv_fsubst with (e0:=e0); func_equal; symmetry; auto.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_ind : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wfT r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  forall k, bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) k V = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T k V) a U.
  intros; pattern V at 1;
    rewrite fsubst_no_occur with (a:=a) (U:=U);
      auto using bfsubstRep_permutation_core.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_ind : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wfT r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  forall k, bsubst (fsubst T a U) k V = fsubst (bsubst T k V) a U.
  intros; pattern V at 1;
    rewrite fsubst_no_occur with (a:=a) (U:=U);
      auto using bfsubst_permutation_core.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_ind_wf : forall r r0 r1 s
  (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wf r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  forall k,
    bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) k V = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T k V) a U.
  intros; pattern V at 1;
    rewrite fsubst_no_occur with (a:=a) (U:=U);
      auto using bfsubstRep_permutation_core_wf.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_ind_wf : forall r r0 r1
  (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wf r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  forall k,
    bsubst (fsubst T a U) k V = fsubst (bsubst T k V) a U.
  intros; pattern V at 1;
    rewrite fsubst_no_occur with (a:=a) (U:=U);
      auto using bfsubst_permutation_core_wf.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_wfT : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wfT r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) 0 V = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T 0 V) a U.
  intros; eauto using bfsubstRep_permutation_ind.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_wfT : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wfT r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  bsubst (fsubst T a U) 0 V = fsubst (bsubst T 0 V) a U.
  intros; eauto using bfsubst_permutation_ind.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_wf : forall r r0 r1 s
  (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wf r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) 0 V = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T 0 V) a U.
  intros; eauto using bfsubstRep_permutation_ind_wf.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_wf : forall r r0 r1
  (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)(V:Interpret r1) a,
  wf r1 U ->
  a `notin` (freevars r0 V) ->
  bsubst (fsubst T a U) 0 V = fsubst (bsubst T 0 V) a U.
  intros; eauto using bfsubst_permutation_ind_wf.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_var_wfT : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0) a b,
  a <> b ->
  wfT r1 U ->
  bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) 0 (Var r1 (inl b))
  = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r1 (inl b))) a U.
  intros; apply bfsubstRep_permutation_wfT; try solve_notin;
    simpl; case_rep; simpl; solve_notin.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_var_wfT : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r) (U:Interpret r0) a b,
  a <> b ->
  wfT r1 U ->
  bsubst (fsubst T a U) 0 (Var r1 (inl b))
  = fsubst (bsubst T 0 (Var r1 (inl b))) a U.
  intros; apply bfsubst_permutation_wfT; try solve_notin;
    simpl; case_rep; simpl; solve_notin.

Lemma bfsubstRep_permutation_var_wf : forall r r0 r1 s
  (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0) a b,
  a <> b ->
  wf r1 U ->
  bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) 0 (Var r1 (inl b))
  = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r1 (inl b))) a U.
  introv Hneq Hwf.
  rewrite <- bfsubstRep_permutation_core_wf; auto.
  simpl; case_rep; auto; case_var; congruence.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_var_wf : forall r r0 r1
  (T:Interpret r) (U:Interpret r0) a b,
  a <> b ->
  wf r1 U ->
  bsubst (fsubst T a U) 0 (Var r1 (inl b))
  = fsubst (bsubst T 0 (Var r1 (inl b))) a U.
  introv Hneq Hwf.
  rewrite <- bfsubst_permutation_core_wf; auto.
  simpl; case_rep; auto; case_var; congruence.

Lemma bfsubst_permutation_var_wfT_hetero : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r) (U:Interpret r0) a b,
  r0 <> r1 ->
  wfT r1 U ->
  bsubst (fsubst T a U) 0 (Var r1 (inl b))
  = fsubst (bsubst T 0 (Var r1 (inl b))) a U.
  intros; apply bfsubst_permutation_wfT; try solve_notin;
    simpl; case_rep; simpl; solve_notin.

Substitution preserves well-formedness

Lemma wfT_fsubstRep : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0) a,
  wfTRep r1 T ->
  wfT r1 U ->
  wfTRep r1 (fsubstRep T a U)

  with wfT_fsubst : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0) a,
    wfT r1 T ->
    wfT r1 U ->
    wfT r1 (fsubst T a U).
  destruct 1; simpl; intros;
    [ constructor 1
      | constructor 2
      | constructor 3; apply wfT_fsubst; auto
      | constructor 4; apply wfT_fsubstRep; auto
      | constructor 5; apply wfT_fsubstRep; auto
      | constructor 6; apply wfT_fsubstRep; auto
      | idtac
      | constructor 8; auto
      | idtac
      | constructor 10; auto
      | constructor 11; auto ].
  constructor 7 with (L `union` {{ a }}); intros; auto.
    (bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) 0%nat (Var r1 (inl a0 ))
      = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T 0%nat (Var r1 (inl a0))) a U).
    replace (Var r1 (inl a0)) with (fsubst (Var r1 (inl a0)) a U).
        destruct (a == a0); intuition.
        apply bfsubstRep_permutation_ind; auto.
        rewrite <- e; simpl.
        destruct (Rep_dec r1 r1); try contradiction.
      apply bfsubstRep_permutation_ind; auto.
      simpl; case_rep; try contradiction.
    simpl; case_rep; try contradiction; auto; case_var; intuition.
  rewrite H3.
  apply wfT_fsubstRep; auto.

  constructor 9 with (L `union` {{ a }}); intros; auto.
    (bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) 0%nat (Var r1 (inl a0))
      = fsubstRep (bsubstRep T 0%nat (Var r1 (inl a0))) a U).
    replace (Var r1 (inl a0)) with (fsubst (Var r1 (inl a0)) a U).
      destruct (Rep_dec r1 r0).
        destruct (a == a0); intuition.
        apply bfsubstRep_permutation_ind; auto.
        rewrite <- e; simpl.
        destruct (Rep_dec r1 r1); try contradiction.
      apply bfsubstRep_permutation_ind; auto.
      simpl; case_rep; try contradiction.
    simpl; case_rep; try contradiction; auto; case_var; intuition.
  rewrite H4.
  apply wfT_fsubstRep; auto.

  destruct 1; simpl; intros; destruct (Rep_dec r r0); simpl;
    try destruct (a == b); try destruct (a == v); simpl; intuition;
      auto using conv_wfT.
  constructor; auto.
  constructor; auto.
  constructor; auto.
  destruct v; auto; try case_var; auto; auto using conv_wfT; try constructor 2; auto.
  constructor 2; auto.

  constructor 3; auto using wfT_fsubstRep.
  constructor 3; auto using wfT_fsubstRep.

Lemma wf_fsubstRep_ : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0)
  a k (V: Interpret r1),
  T = bsubstRep T k V ->
  wf r1 U ->
  fsubstRep T a U = bsubstRep (fsubstRep T a U) k V

  with wf_fsubst_ : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0)
    a k (V:Interpret r1),
    T = bsubst T k V ->
    wf r1 U ->
    fsubst T a U = bsubst (fsubst T a U) k V.
  induction T; unfold wfRep, wf in *; simpl; intros; func_equal; auto.

  apply wf_fsubst_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

  apply wf_fsubstRep_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

  apply wf_fsubstRep_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

  apply wf_fsubstRep_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

  apply wf_fsubstRep_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

  repeat case_rep; func_equal; simpl;
  apply wf_fsubstRep_; try assumption;
    dependent destruction H; assumption.

  apply wf_fsubst_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

  induction T; unfold wfRep, wf in *; simpl; intros; func_equal; auto.

  repeat case_rep; destruct v; simpl;
    repeat case_rep; try congruence;
      repeat case_var; try congruence; simpl;
        repeat case_rep; try congruence.

  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e); func_equal; symmetry; auto.
  rewrite H; apply conv_indep.
  rewrite conv_bsubst with (e0:=e); func_equal; symmetry; auto.
  rewrite H; apply conv_indep.

  apply wf_fsubstRep_; [idtac | assumption].
  dependent destruction H; assumption.

Lemma wf_fsubstRep : forall r r0 r1 s (T:InterpretRep r s)(U:Interpret r0) a,
  wfRep r1 T -> wf r1 U -> wfRep r1 (fsubstRep T a U).
  unfold wfRep; intros; auto using wf_fsubstRep_.

Lemma wf_fsubst : forall r r0 r1 (T:Interpret r)(U:Interpret r0) a,
    wf r1 T -> wf r1 U -> wf r1 (fsubst T a U).
  unfold wf at -2; intros; auto using wf_fsubst_.

Heterogeneous substitution and well-formedness

Heterogeneous substitition has no effect on well-formedness

Preparing lemma

Lemma wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ : forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0,
  wfTRep r0 T ->
  forall (T0:InterpretRep r s) r1 k a,
    T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r1 (inl a)) ->
    r0 <> r1 ->
    wfTRep r0 T0

  with wfT_bsubst_hetero_ : forall r (T:Interpret r) r0,
    wfT r0 T ->
    forall (T0:Interpret r) r1 k a,
      T = bsubst T0 k (Var r1 (inl a)) ->
      r0 <> r1 ->
      wfT r0 T0.
  induction 1.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros.
  apply wf_Unit.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros.
  apply wf_Const.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros.
  assert (T = bsubst i k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H0; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Repr.
  apply wfT_bsubst_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros; [idtac | discriminate].
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H0; reflexivity.
  apply wf_InL.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros; [discriminate | idtac].
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H0; reflexivity.
  apply wf_InR.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros.
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0_1 k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H1; reflexivity.
  assert (U = bsubstRep T0_2 k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H1; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Pair.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with U r1 k a; assumption.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros; destruct q; case_rep.
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 (S k) (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H2; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_REC_homo with L; [assumption|idtac]; intros.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r0 (inl a0))) r1 (S k) a;
    [apply H0; assumption |
      rewrite H4; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero; congruence |

  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H2; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_REC_homo with L; [assumption|idtac]; intros.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r0 (inl a0))) r1 k a;
    [apply H0; assumption |
      rewrite H4; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero; congruence |

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros; destruct q; case_rep.
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 (S k) (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H1; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_REC_hetero; [assumption|idtac].
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r1 (S k) a; assumption.

  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H1; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_REC_hetero; [assumption|idtac].
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros; destruct q; repeat case_rep;
    try contradiction.
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 (S k) (Var r2 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H3; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_homo with L; try tauto; intros.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r0 (inl a0))) r2 (S k) a;
    [apply H1; assumption |
      rewrite H5; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero; congruence |

  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r2 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H3; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_homo with L; try tauto; intros.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with (bsubstRep T 0 (Var r0 (inl a0))) r2 k a;
    [apply H1; assumption |
      rewrite H5; apply bsubstitutionRep_hetero; congruence |

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros; destruct q; repeat case_rep;
    try contradiction.
  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 (S k) (Var r2 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H2; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_hetero; [assumption | assumption | idtac].
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r2 (S k) a; assumption.

  assert (T = bsubstRep T0 k (Var r2 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H2; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Bind_hetero; [assumption | assumption | idtac].
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r2 k a; assumption.

  dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros.
  assert (T = bsubst i k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H0; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Rec.
  apply wfT_bsubst_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.

  induction 1; dependent destruction T0; simpl; intros;
    try case_rep; try destruct v0; try congruence; try discriminate.
  apply wf_fvar; tauto.
  apply wf_Var; tauto.
  apply wf_Var; tauto.
  apply wf_Var; tauto.
  apply wf_Var; tauto.
  destruct v; try discriminate.
  case_var; try rewrite <- conv_Var in H0; discriminate.

  assert (T = bsubstRep i k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  dependent destruction H0; reflexivity.
  apply wf_Term.
  apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with T r1 k a; assumption.

Lemma wfT_bsubstRep_hetero : forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0 r1 k a,
  wfTRep r0 (bsubstRep T k (Var r1 (inl a))) ->
  r0 <> r1 ->
  wfTRep r0 T.
  intros; apply wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_ with (bsubstRep T k (Var r1 (inl a))) r1 k a; auto.

Lemma wfT_bsubst_hetero : forall r (T:Interpret r) r0 r1 k a,
  wfT r0 (bsubst T k (Var r1 (inl a))) ->
  r0 <> r1 ->
  wfT r0 T.
  intros; apply wfT_bsubst_hetero_ with (bsubst T k (Var r1 (inl a))) r1 k a; auto.

Lemma wfT_bsubstRep_hetero_1 : forall r s (T:InterpretRep r s) r0 r1,
  wfTRep r0 T ->
  r0 <> r1 ->
  forall (k a:atom), wfTRep r0 (bsubstRep T k (Var r1 (inl a)))

  with wfT_bsubst_hetero_1 : forall r (T:Interpret r) r0 r1,
    wfT r0 T ->
    r0 <> r1 ->
    forall (k a:atom), wfT r0 (bsubst T k (Var r1 (inl a))).
  induction 1; simpl; intros.
  apply wf_Unit.
  apply wf_Const.
  apply wf_Repr; auto.
  apply wf_InL; auto.
  apply wf_InR; auto.
  apply wf_Pair; auto.

  apply wf_Bind_REC_homo with L; auto; intros;
    rewrite bsubstitutionRep_hetero; auto.

  apply wf_Bind_REC_hetero; auto; intros.

  case_rep; try congruence.
  case_rep; try congruence.
  apply wf_Bind_homo with L; auto; intros;
    rewrite bsubstitutionRep_hetero; auto.

  case_rep; try congruence.
  case_rep; try congruence;
    apply wf_Bind_hetero; auto; intros.

  apply wf_Rec; auto.

  induction 1; simpl; intros.

  case_rep; try congruence.
  apply wf_fvar; auto.

  destruct v.
  apply wf_Var; auto.
  rewrite <- conv_Var.
  apply wf_Var; auto.
  apply wf_Var; auto.
  apply wf_Var; auto.

  apply wf_Term; auto.