Library Metatheory_Env

Require Export Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Export Coq.FSets.FSets.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.

Require Export AssocList.
Require Export CoqEqDec.
Require Export CoqListFacts.
Require Export LibTactics.
Require Export MetatheoryAtom.

Decidable equality

Notations for finite sets of atoms

Common set operations and constants may be written using more convenient notations.

Notation "E [=] F" :=
  (AtomSetImpl.Equal E F)
  (at level 70, no associativity)
  : set_scope.

Notation "E [<=] F" :=
  (AtomSetImpl.Subset E F)
  (at level 70, no associativity)
  : set_scope.

Notation "{}" :=
  : set_scope.

Notation "{{ x }}" :=
  (AtomSetImpl.singleton x)
  : set_scope.

Notation "x `in` E" :=
  (AtomSetImpl.In x E)
  (at level 70)
  : set_hs_scope.

Notation "x `notin` E" :=
  (~ AtomSetImpl.In x E)
  (at level 70)
  : set_hs_scope.

Notation "E `union` F" :=
  (AtomSetImpl.union E F)
  (at level 65, right associativity, format "E `union` '/' F")
  : set_hs_scope.

We define some abbreviations for the empty set, singleton sets, and the union of two sets.
Open the notation scopes declared above.

Open Scope set_scope.
Open Scope set_hs_scope.


We can use our implementation of association lists (in AssocList) to implement association lists whose keys are atoms. Thanks to parameter inlining, the types in the instantiated functor will all use atom for the type for keys.

Module Export EnvImpl := AssocList.Make AtomDT AtomSetImpl.

Export AtomSetImpl.

Lemma In_atoms_dec : forall (x:atom) (s:atoms), x `in` s \/ ~ x `in` s.
  destruct (Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (mem x s)).
  left; auto using mem_2.
  right; intro; cut (mem x s = true); auto using mem_1; congruence.

We provide alternative names for the tactics on association lists to reflect our use of association lists for environments.

Ltac simpl_env :=

Tactic Notation "simpl_env" "in" hyp(H) :=
  simpl_alist in H.

Tactic Notation "simpl_env" "in" "*" :=
  simpl_alist in *.

Tactic Notation "rewrite_env" constr(E) :=
  rewrite_alist E.

Tactic Notation "rewrite_env" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
  rewrite_alist E in H.

Tactic Notation "env" "induction" ident(E) :=
  alist induction E.

Tactic Notation "env" "induction" ident(E) "as" simple_intropattern(P) :=
  alist induction E as P.

powerful tactics for automation.

Ltac func_equal := match goal with
  | [ |- (?F _ = ?F _ ) ] => apply (f_equal F)
  | [ |- (?F _ _ = ?F _ _) ] => apply (f_equal2 F)
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ = ?F _ _ _) ] => apply (f_equal3 F)
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ = ?F _ _ _ _) ] => apply (f_equal4 F)
  | _ => idtac

Tactic Notation "func_equal" "*" :=
  func_equal; auto*.

Useful tactics in dealing with decidability.
Notation "a == j" := (KeySetFacts.eq_dec a j) (at level 67).

Ltac case_var :=
  let destr X Y := destruct (X == Y); [try subst X | idtac] in
  match goal with
  | |- context [?X == ?Y] => destr X Y
  | H: context [?X == ?Y] |- _ => destr X Y

Tactic Notation "case_var" "*" := case_var; auto*.

Ltac id_false :=
  match goal with
    | H : ?x <> ?x |- _ => elim H; reflexivity

Ltac absurd_math := first [intros; assert False; [omega | contradiction] | id_false ].

Ltac contra H := let Heq := fresh in try red; intro Heq; elim H.

As an alternative to the x ~ a notation, we also provide more list-like notation for writing association lists consisting of a single binding.

Implementation note: The following notation overlaps with the standard recursive notation for lists, e.g., the one found in the Program library of Coq's standard library.

# stands for the freshness of a variable w.r.t an environment.

Notation "x '#' E" := (x `notin`(dom E)) (at level 60).

Notation "[ x ]" := ( x).

We use names specific to environments based on EnvImpl.

Section Env_Definitions.

  Variable A : Type.

  Definition env := (list (atom * A)).

  Definition empty_env := (@nil (atom * A)).

  Lemma dom_empty_env : dom empty_env = {}.

Extension of Environments

  Definition extends (E F:env) := forall (X:atom) (U:A), binds X U E -> binds X U F.

  Hint Unfold extends.

  Lemma extends_app_L : forall (E E0 E1:env),
    extends E0 E1 -> extends (E ++ E0) (E ++ E1).
    intros E E0 E1 H x a Hbinds.
    elim binds_app_1 with (E:=E)(F:=E0)(x:=x)(a:=a); auto.

  Lemma extends_app_R : forall (E E0 E1:env),
    extends E0 E1 -> extends (E0 ++ E) (E1 ++ E).
    intros E E0 E1 H x a Hbinds.
    elim binds_app_1 with (E:=E0)(F:=E)(x:=x)(a:=a); auto.

  Lemma extends_L : forall (E E0:env),
    extends E (E0 ++ E).
    intros E E0 x a Hbinds; apply binds_app_3; assumption.

  Lemma extends_R : forall (E E0:env),
    extends E (E ++ E0).
    intros E E0 x a Hbinds; apply binds_app_2; assumption.

  Lemma extends_push : forall E F (X:atom) T,
    extends E F -> extends (X ~ T ++ E) (X ~ T ++ F).
    unfold extends. intros. inversion H0; auto.
    inversion H1; intros; subst X0 T; auto.

  Lemma extends_swap : forall E F,
    extends (E ++ F) (F ++ E).
    intros E F x a Hbinds.
    elim binds_app_1 with (x:=x)(a:=a)(E:=E)(F:=F); auto.

End Env_Definitions.

Making A implicit for empty_env and extends.

Implicit Arguments empty_env [A].

Implicit Arguments extends [A].

Section Mapping_Env.

  Variable A B : Type.
  Variable f : A -> B.

  Lemma dom_map_1 : forall (E:env A),
    dom E [<=] dom (map f E).
    intros E a H.
    generalize dom_map; intro H0.
    assert (a `in` dom (map f E) <-> a `in` dom E).
    apply H0.
    inversion H1; auto.

  Lemma dom_map_2 : forall (E:env A),
    dom (map f E) [<=] dom E.
    intros E a H.
    generalize dom_map; intro H0.
    assert (a `in` dom (map f E) <-> a `in` dom E).
    apply H0.
    inversion H1; auto.

  Lemma dom_map_3 : forall (E:env A)(a:atom),
    a # E -> a # map f E.
    intros E a H; contra H; apply dom_map_2; auto.

  Lemma dom_map_4 : forall (E:env A)(a:atom),
    a # map f E -> a # E.
    intros E a H; contra H; apply dom_map_1; auto.

  Lemma map_extends_1 : forall (E F: env A),
    extends E F -> extends (map f E) (map f F).
    unfold extends; intros.
    induction E as [|(a,T)]; inversion H0.
    inversion H1; subst.
    apply binds_map_2; auto using H.
    apply IHE; auto.

  Lemma map_extends_2 : forall (E F: env A),
    (forall x y : A, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
    extends (map f E) (map f F) -> extends E F.
    unfold extends; intros E F Hinj H X U H0.
    induction E as [|(a,T)]; inversion H0.
    inversion H1; subst.
    apply binds_map_1 with (B:= B)(f:= f); auto using Hinj.
    apply IHE; auto.
    intros; apply H.
    unfold binds; simpl; tauto.

  Lemma map_uniq_1 : forall (E:env A),
    uniq E -> uniq (map f E).
    induction E as [|(a,T)]; simpl; intro H; simpl_alist; constructor.
    apply IHE; eauto using uniq_cons_1.
    apply dom_map_3; eauto using uniq_cons_2.

  Lemma map_uniq_2 : forall (E:env A),
    uniq (map f E) -> uniq E.
    induction E as [|(a,T)]; simpl; intro H; simpl_alist; constructor.
    apply IHE; eauto using uniq_cons_1.
    apply dom_map_4; eauto using uniq_cons_2.

  Lemma map_uniq_3 : forall (E F:env A)(a:nat)(T:A),
    uniq (E ++ a ~ T ++ F) -> uniq (map f E ++ a ~ f T ++ map f F).
    cut (uniq (map f (E ++ a ~ T ++ F))); simpl; auto.
    rewrite map_app; simpl; tauto.

  Lemma map_uniq_4 : forall (E F:env A)(a:nat)(T:A),
    uniq (map f E ++ a ~ f T ++ map f F) -> uniq (E ++ a ~ T ++ F).
    cut (uniq (map f (E ++ a ~ T ++ F))); simpl; auto using map_uniq_2;
      rewrite map_app; simpl; auto.

  Variable g : A -> A.

  Lemma map_uniq_5 : forall (E F:env A)(a:nat)(T:A),
    uniq (E ++ a ~ T ++ F) -> uniq ((map g E) ++ F).
    intros; apply uniq_map_app_1; eauto.

End Mapping_Env.

Hint Resolve dom_map_1 dom_map_2 dom_map_3 dom_map_4.
Hint Resolve map_extends_1 map_extends_2.
Hint Resolve uniq_dom_only uniq_dom_only_1.
Hint Resolve map_uniq_1 map_uniq_2 map_uniq_3 map_uniq_4 map_uniq_4 map_uniq_5.

Section notin_extra.

  Lemma notin_neq : forall A (E E0:env A) (T:A) (a b:atom),
    b # (E ++ a ~ T ++ E0) -> a <> b.
    intros; repeat rewrite dom_app in *.
    destruct_notin; simpl_alist in *; solve_notin.

  Lemma notin_app_1 : forall A (E F:env A) (a:atom),
    a # (E ++ F) -> a # E /\ a # F.
    split; induction E as [| (b,T)]; simpl in *; intros; try solve_notin.

  Lemma notin_app_2 : forall A (E F:env A) (a:atom),
    a # E -> a # F -> a # (E ++ F).
    induction E as [| (b,T)]; simpl in *; intros; auto; solve_notin.
End notin_extra.

Hint Resolve @notin_neq @notin_app_1 @notin_app_2.

Lemma notin_cons_mid : forall (A:Type) (x y:atom) (E F:env A)(P:A),
  x # (E ++ y ~ P ++ F) ->
  x # (E ++ F).
  elim (notin_app_1 A E (y ~ P ++ F) x H); intros.
  elim (notin_app_1 A (y ~ P) F x H1); intros.
  apply notin_app_2; auto.