Library Tutorial_STLC_Syntax

Step 1 and 2. Defining syntax and isomorphism

Grammar of pseudo-type

Add this annotation to guide the isomorphism generation tool to produce the isomorphism modules for type automatically
(*@Iso Iso_typ*)

Inductive typ :=
| typ_var : nat -> typ
| typ_arrow : typ -> typ -> typ.

Grammar of pseudo-term

Add this annotation to guide the isomorphism generation tool to produce the isomorphism modules for term automatically
(*@Iso Iso_trm {
  Parameter trm_fvar,
  Variable  trm_bvar,
  Binder trm_abs

Inductive trm :=
| trm_fvar : nat -> trm
| trm_bvar : nat -> trm
| trm_abs : trm -> trm
| trm_app : trm -> trm -> trm.

Isomorphism modules for type and term

Isomorphism generation tool will produce isomorphism modules for type and term automatically.

> genIsos Tutorial_STLC_Syntax.v

This command will generate Iso_typ.v and Iso_trm.v which contain isomorphism for type and isomorphism for term respectively.

Module Iso_typ <: Iso_partial.
End Iso_typ

Module Iso_trm <: Iso_full.
End Iso_trm