HW1 - ex1: O(1) - ex2: O(n*log(n)) n: length of list - ex3: O(n) n: length of list - ex4: O(n) n: length of list - ex5: O(n*log(n)) n: length of list - ex6: O(n*m) n: length of list of list, m: maximum length of inner list HW2 - ex1: O(1) - ex2: O(n*m*log(n*m)) n: # of locations, m: maximum # of keywords - ex3: O(n*m) n: # of locations, m: maximum # of keywords - ex4: O(n*m) n: # of locations, m: maximum # of keywords HW3 - ex1: O(n^2) or O(n^3) based on your implementation, n: length of list - ex2: O(n!) n: length of list - ex3: O(n^2*k) n: length of list, k: log(precision of floating point numbers) ~= can consider k as constant