The Third Asian Symposium on
Programming Languages and Systems
Programming Languages and Systems
APLAS aims at stimulating programming language and systems research by providing an international forum for the presentation of original results and the exchange of ideas and experience.
The APLAS series is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS), which has been founded by Asian researchers in cooperation with many researchers from Europe and the USA. The first two formal APLAS symposiums were successfully held in Taipei (2004, Taiwan) and Beijing (2003, China), after three informal workshops held in Shanghai (2002, China), Daejeon (2001, Korea), and Singapore (2000).
The symposium is devoted to all topics ranging from foundational to practical issues in programming languages and systems. Submissions are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics:- semantics, logics, foundational theory
- type systems, language design
- program analysis, optimization, transformation
- program security, safety, verification
- compiler systems, interpreters, abstract machines
- domain-specific languages and systems
- programming tools and environments for embedded and mobile codes
Invited Speakers: Patrick Cousot, Haruo Hosoya, Thomas Reps
Detailed Program
APLAS technical program consists of paper presentations, invited talks, and a dedicated session for posters.  During the poster session students and professionals can present their works-in-progress or very recent results and can get feedback from other colleagues. Before the symposium, all the poster authors are asked to read other posters' abstracts and give feedbacks beforehand.
  On November 2nd, one day before the main program, we have two tutorials. Please visit the program page for details.
Local Info and Registration
Important Dates
(in Pacific Standard Time = UTC -0800)
Submissions Information
- Acceptable formats are PostScript or PDF, viewable with Ghostview or Acrobat Reader.
- Paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages in the LNCS format, excluding bibliography and figures.
- Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant.
- The work described should not have been previously published in a journal and conference proceedings. Authors must indicate if a closely related paper is also being considered for another conference or journal.
- The proceedings of the symposium will be published by
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series.
- General Chair: Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba (JP)
- Program Chair: Kwangkeun Yi, Seoul National University (KR)
Program Committee:
Radhia Cousot, CNRS / Ecole Polytechnique (FR) Manuel Fahndrich, Microsoft Research (US) Masami Hagiya, University of Tokyo (JP) Luddy Harrison, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US) Siau-Cheng Khoo, National University of Singapore (SG) Naoki Kobayashi, Tohoku University (JP) Oukseh Lee, Hanyang University (KR) Peter Lee, Carnegie Mellon University (US) Huimin Lin, Chinese Academy of Science (CN) Soo-mook Moon, Seoul National University (KR) Alan Mycroft, University of Cambridge (UK) Atsushi Ohori, Tohoku University (JP) David Schmidt, Kansas State University (US) Harald Sondergaard, University of Melbourne (AU) Martin Sulzmann, National University of Signapore (SG) Wuu Yang, National Chiao-Tung University (TW) Kwangkeun Yi (chair), Seoul National University (KR) Wang Yi, Uppsala University (SE) - Poster Chair: Hongseok Yang, Seoul National University (KR)
- Local Arrangement Chair: Mircea Marin, University of Tsukuba(JP)