Library Metatheory_Var

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import DecidableTypeEx.

Abstract Definition of Variables

Decidable sets are the basis for variables used for the abstraction or quantification

Module Type QuantificationVarSig := MiniDecidableType.

Module GVar_to_Quant (M:GenericVarSig) <: QuantificationVarSig := M.

Disjoint union of two usually decidable sets is usually decidable. This kind of decidable sets will be used when two kinds of variables are used for the formalization.

Module DisjUnionUsualDecidableType(D1 D2:GenericVarSig) <: GenericVarSig.

  Definition t := sum D1.t D2.t.

  Definition eq := @eq t.

  Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.

  Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.

  Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.

  Definition eq_dec : forall x y : t, {x = y}+{x <> y}.
    decide equality; [apply D1.eq_dec | apply D2.eq_dec].

End DisjUnionUsualDecidableType.