The Seventh Asian Symposium on
Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2009)
- 17/12/09: Photos during APLAS 2009 / ASIAN 2009
- 10/08/09: On-line registration is now open. The early registration deadline is November 12, 2009.
APLAS aims at stimulating programming language research by providing a forum for the presentation of recent results and the exchange of ideas and experience in topics concerned with programming languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia, but is an international forum that serves the worldwide programming languages community.The APLAS series is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS), which has recently been founded by Asian researchers in cooperation with many researchers from Europe and the USA. The past formal APLAS symposiums were successfully held in Bangalore (2008, India), Singapore (2007), Sydney (2006, Australia), Tsukuba (2005, Japan), Taipei (2004, Taiwan) and Beijing (2003, China) after three informal workshops held in Shanghai (2002, China), Daejeon (2001, Korea) and Singapore (2000). Proceedings of the past symposiums were published in Springer-Verlag's LNCS 2895, 3302, 3780, 4279, and 5356.
APLAS 2009 will be co-located with the 13th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN 2009).
The symposium is devoted to both foundational and practical issues in programming languages and systems. Papers are solicited on, but not limited, to the following topics:
- semantics, logics, foundational theory
- type systems, language design
- program analysis, optimization, transformation
- software security, safety, verification
- compiler systems, interpreters, abstract machines
- domain-specific languages and systems
- programming tools and environments
The technical program for APLAS 2009 will consist of three invited lectures and presentations of 21 accepted papers. There are two invited tutorials one day before the regular program. The social program includes a banquet dinner.Invited Speakers
Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
The Twilight Zone: From Testing to Formal Specifications and Back Again -
Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Part I: Types and Recursion Schemes for Higher-Order Program Verification
Part II: Higher-Order Program Verification and Language-Based Security -
Armando Solar-Lezama (MIT, USA)
The Sketching Approach to Program Synthesis
Invited Tutorials
The invited tutorials will be held on December 13, 2009, one day before the regular program. They are free of charge for the participants of APLAS 2009/ASIAN 2009.
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom)
Separation Logic from the Perspective of Program Analysis -
Sukyoung Ryu (Sun Microsystems Laboratories, USA)
Parallel Programming in Fortress
Important Dates
(in Samoa Standard Time = GMT-11:00)Abstract Deadline | June 8 (Monday), 2009 |
Paper Submission Deadline | 24:00 June 15 (Monday), 2009 |
Author Notification | August 17, 2009 |
Camera-ready | September 14, 2009 |
Conference | December 14-16, 2009 |
Submissions Information
Papers should be submitted electronically online via the conference submission web page. Acceptable formats are PostScript or PDF, viewable by Ghostview or Acrobat Reader. Submissions should not exceed 16 pages in LNCS format, including bibliography and figures. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. The proceedings of the symposium is planned to be published as a volume in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Authors of selected papers will be invited after the symposium to submit a full version for publication in a special issue of New Generation Computing.Call For Posters
APLAS 2009 will include a poster session during the conference. The session aims to give students and researchers an opportunity to present their research to the community, and to get responses from other researchers. A space of A1 paper size (594 mm wide and 841 mm high) will be provided for each presentation. If you need more space, contact the poster chair (Kiminori Matsuzaki; kmatsu AT To prepare a good poster, search the Web for "poster presentation" and you will find many useful resources.Each presenter should e-mail a 1-2 page abstract in PDF or PostScript to the poster chair (Kiminori Matsuzaki; kmatsu AT by
- General Chair: Kwangkeun Yi (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Program Chair: Zhenjiang Hu (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Program Committee:
Manuel M. T. Chakravarty (University of New South Wales, Australia) Wei-Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Nate Foster (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Ralf Hinze (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) Zhenjiang Hu (National Institute of Informatics, Japan), Chair Ik-Soon Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea) Julia Lawall (DIKU, Denmark) Sebastian Maneth (NICTA and University of New South Wales, Australia) Sungwoo Park (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea) Ganesan Ramalingam (Microsoft Research, India) Chung-chieh Shan (Rutgers University, USA) Kazushige Terui (Kyoto University, Japan) Peter Thiemann (University of Freiburg, Germany) Kazunori Ueda (Waseda University, Japan) Janis Voigtländer (Technical University of Dresden, Germany) Bow-Yaw Wang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Jianjun Zhao (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) - Local Organization Chair: Gyesik Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Poster Session Chair: Kiminori Matsuzaki (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Accepted Papers
- A Fresh Look at Separation Algebras and Share Accounting. Robert Dockins, Aquinas Hobor and Andrew Appel
- A Short Cut to Optimal Sequences. Akimasa Morihata
- A Skeletal Parallel Framework with Fusion Optimizer for GPGPU Programming. Shigeyuki Sato and Hideya Iwasaki
- Abstract Transformers for Thread Correlation Analysis. Michal Segalov, Tal Lev-Ami, Ramalingam Ganesan, Mooly Sagiv and Roman Manevich
- Asymptotic Resource Usage Bounds. Elvira Albert, Diego Alonso, Puri Arenas, Samir Genaim and German Puebla
- Branching Bisimilarity between Finite-State Systems and BPA or Normed BPP Is Polynomial-Time Decidable. Hongfei Fu
- Certify Once, Trust Anywhere - Modular Certification of Bytecode Programs for Certified Virtual Machine. Yuan Dong, Kai Ren, Shengyuan Wang and Suqin Zhang
- Classical Natural Deduction for S4 Modal Logic. Daisuke Kimura and Yoshihiko Kakutani
- Compositional Resource Invariant Synthesis. Cristiano Calcagno, Dino Distefano and Viktor Vafeiadis
- Fractional Ownerships for Safe Memory Deallocation. Kohei Suenaga and Naoki Kobayashi
- Large Spurious Cycle in Global Static Analyses and Its Algorithmic Mitigation. Hakjoo Oh
- On stratified regions. Roberto Amadio
- On the Decidability of Subtyping with Bounded Existential Types. Stefan Wehr and Peter Thiemann
- Ownership Downgrading for Ownership Types. Yi Lu, John Potter, Jingling Xue and Quan Nguyen
- Parallel Reduction in Resource Lambda-Calculus. Michele Pagani and Paolo Tranquilli
- Proving Copyless Message Passing. Jules Villard, Etienne Lozes and Cristiano Calcagno
- Refining Abstract Interpretation-based Static Analyses with Hints. Francesco Logozzo and Vincent Laviron
- Scalable Context-Sensitive Points-To Analysis Using Multi-Dimensional Bloom Filters. Rupesh Nasre, Kaushik Rajan, Govindarajan Ramaswamy and Uday Khedker
- The Higher-Order, Call-by-Value Applied Pi-Calculus. Nobuyuki Sato and Eijiro Sumii
- Weak updates and separation logic. Gang Tan, Zhong Shao, Xinyu Feng and Hongxu Cai
- Witnessing Purity, Constancy and Mutability. Ben Lippmeier
- SIGPL of
Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE)
- ROSAEC Center, Seoul National University